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5. Logging

For every haynes api request create a document inside a firebase collection of respective method name as expected below

|--> haynes
| |--> getCipher
| |--> getMachineToken
| |--> getMaintenanceSystemsV5
| |--> getRepairRenewalNodes
| |--> getRepairTimeTypes
| |--> getRepairtimeNodesV3

Post firebase document creation implement the following steps

  • store the time in milliseconds
  • await for the api call establishment.
  • log the request payload being sent
  • await for the network call to finish
  • log the response data received
  • log the error in case of failure
  • on receiving successful response or failure error, assess the call time by
    • fetch current time
    • read time at api call initialization
    • calculate the time difference
  • update the log document to include api call time
Status: Accepted
Category: Protected
Authored By: Vishwa on Mar 22, 2023